Headed for Perfection (or at least pointed that way)

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Those of you who are in the middle of writing something are also, inevitably, in the middle of revising something.

Over at Brimstone Soup, Holly Cupala, a young adult author (and a Readergirlz marvel), has been shining light on the revisionary path with a program called Summer Revision Smackdown. I've learned a lot in previous posts, and today Holly is hosting me, as I think out loud about my own revisionary patterns, and instincts. Check it out, if you have a chance.

Also, Kathye Fetsko Petrie, a big-hearted local literary legend has a piece in the Examiner about authors' summer reading lists. What, she wanted to know, are some of us reading this summer?


holly cupala said...

Thank you again, Beth, for generously sharing your revisionary words! I am honored to put the spotlight on you and your writing.

Vivian Mahoney said...

You are keeping me busy, today, with all these fabulous links!

I am so excited about Nothing But Ghosts book release! Wahoo!

Kelly H-Y said...

Great advice on revisions! And a BIG CONGRATS on the release of Nothing But Ghosts today!!!!! Yay!!!

Woman in a Window said...

You are everywhere!

I'm reading A River Runs Through it. Probably will take me a month. Three pages a night. Yup, that's about right. Ridiculously slow reader. Easily distracted. Oh look, there's a fly...

Becca said...

I loved reading about your writing/revision process. Now I understand why your sentences are all so beautifully crafter and gorgeous :)

Anna Lefler said...

Off to check you out at Holly's pad...


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