Books I Think I Want, and an Undercover Review

Thursday, September 3, 2009

It has been walking-and-sitting-outside weather, but I've been inside, piled high with work, feeling sunk beneath innumerable pressures. I'm in the final leg of a major edit of the Centennial novel, finishing up a client project, trying desperately to get the house in order, looking for time to get myself in order, too, before the academic year begins at Penn.

And I am missing books. I am missing easy strolls through bookstore aisles and time spent hovering over recommended reading tables. I am missing time on my deck, a book in my lap.

I am ten pages into Graceling; I'll finish that when some of this work clears. After that, I am headed to the bookstore to find out whether books like A Gate at the Stairs (Lorrie Moore) and Crow Planet (Lyanda Lynn Haupt) and Parallel Play (Tim Page) and Zeitoun (Dave Eggers) and Border Songs (Jim Lynch) and I'm So Happy for You (Lucinda Rosenfeld) are for me. I'll likely come home with some of those; no doubt I'll find and revel in the unexpected, too.

In the meantime, a big hug to Bermudaonion, for her deeply kind review of Undercover today. Bermudaonion has a lot in common, it seems, with my protagonist, Elisa. Which means she has a lot in common with me.


bermudaonion said...

Thank you so much for your kind words. I wondered if you were a Daddy's Girl as I read the book and I'm glad to know you were!

woman who roars said...

At least the mad-dash of september generally mellows with the changing leaves of october. It is def one of the "and this too shall pass" times of the year.

Lenore Appelhans said...

September is shaping up to be a busy month for me too.

A Cuban In London said...

Nice to come back from my holidays in Spain and see that the writing is as good as if not better than I left it before. I hope you can catch up with more reading.

Greetings from London.

Anonymous said...

I hope you have time for reading soon!

Em said...

It's amazing how much you get done! Enjoy your bookstore shopping, you deserve a break! I love the picture of the pile of books. :)

Vivian Mahoney said...

I love your blue Converse! I get stressed about wearing color, and I love how much you embrace it!

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