The Drexel InterView: Beth Kephart and Paula Marantz Cohen

Friday, October 23, 2009

A few weeks ago, I prematurely loaded this brief excerpt from a much-longer interview conducted by the extraordinarily gracious Paula Marantz Cohen on behalf of The Drexel InterView, a nationally distributed cable show. My thanks to Lynn Levin for clearing the way for this permanent posting.

The conversation was held last autumn. During this segment I speak of the blog, the dance world, and next projects. I had not yet started on the book that preoccupies me now when this taping took place. I did not yet know that Dangerous Neighbors, my fifth novel for young adults, would find its way to Egmont USA.


bermudaonion said...

This was great. My son was accepted to Drexel but decided not to go there. I'm sitting here thinking if he had gone there, I might have been able to meet you in person.

Sherry said...

I like how seeing something from the past also opens the curtain to the now. That peek out the window shows the road you've traveled. You see how far you've come. I'm glad you kept journeying in faith with Dangerous Neighbors, Beth. And now with your adult novel, too. I know it's not always easy. cheers, xo, s

Liviania said...

I've been wondering how EgmontUSA will fare, since the original is an excellent children's publisher. But I know they've got taste if they're putting out a Beth Kephart novel.

I hate that I haven't finished my NBG review. I read it in England, outside. I waited for the perfect environment to read it in, and I found it. (Though the camera did dig into my neck after awhile. I didn't want to take it off, since I was rather distracted.)

Becca said...

I so enjoyed this interview, particularly hearing you talk about your dancing. It's wonderful to have an activity that forces you to "think about absolutely nothing else" ~ music does that for me, which is one of the reasons it's so energizing, I think.

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