English 145 (11): Tea

Monday, December 7, 2009

Today, taking the train to Penn, I watched my world going by. Twice herds of deer—if you can call four, then five deer a herd—were scattered by the oncoming locomotion and made a heady dash for the margins. Near Rosemont a fox was nearly caught by the tail. Near Overbrook a hawk got mired in some kind of mid-air scuffle with a bird half its size and twice as fast.

Once in the city, I walked, as I always do—through 30th Street, toward Drexel, then west and south, toward Penn. I was followed, it would seem, by that hawk (or that hawk's cousin), which finally rested in a thorny tree and did not protest against its portrait.

Later, I would sit with my class at the Bubble House, where we poured variously tinted pots of tea (and one coffee) and shared a long, long lovely lunch. How do you say goodbye? Maybe you don't. That's how I'm figuring on it.


Holly said...

The Bubble House, you say? I need to see there.

Anonymous said...

A couple of weeks ago, a deer was lost in downtown Toronto.

septembermom said...

I love train rides. Such a time for reflection and observation.

Great portrait of the hawk in the thorns. I feel like a poem may be in that picture :)

If you get the chance, I posted a dance video clip from So You Think You Can Dance. I always need my dance fix!

Becca said...

As long as there is a Bubble House and tea, you always have a place to gather.

e said...

it seems to me as if you really enjoyed giving this class.. it must have been inspiring for the girls.

i was just in london a few weeks ago, and they have foxes there, in the middle of the city! now, the only "wild life" i am seeing are some cute little mice with ear tags, sitting in a cage in front of me, while i am writing my phd thesis in the laboratory..

btw, hurry up with writing that book! i can't wait to read it.

Anonymous said...

Sometimes you wish you could say goodbye, but simply cannot...

Sarah Stevenson said...

Beautiful photo and lovely word imagery, too.

Beth F said...

Love the hawk. The other morning we were driving over the mountain toward Harrisburg and we spotted about a half dozen along the way.

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