Returning to Work

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

From the train platform at 30th Street Station, I always had this view of Cira Centre—of the offices, in particular, of Brandywine Realty Trust, a once and sometimes client. Waiting for the train on Monday evenings, I'd watch my friends across the way, huddled in meetings or hurrying back and forth, sitting alone with a pen in hand. I'd wonder what they were up to now, how their next buildings would shape the cityscape, what they would think of me if they turned and saw me—a teacher for a spell, not a consultant.

Yesterday I left academia and returned to the world of corporate work. I sat with my good friend (and co-author) Matt Emmens in the offices of Shire. Turned my thoughts toward an annual report and a news magazine. Buckled myself in for the ride. The thing about the life I live is that there are friends at every turn—people I am genuinely eager to see, stories I can thread my way into. Everywhere in this world, people are dreaming. They are putting up buildings and launching new drugs. Sometimes I stand by their side.


Cynthia Pittmann said...

You seem to have a knack for change, Beth. I so admire that skill. I loved this little reflection about life and it's changing moods. I hope you have a beautiful holiday season. xx

septembermom said...

I know you'll enjoy the ride. It's good how you can incorporate all of your roles in life into your creativity and overall perspective. Enjoy your day Beth!

Beth F said...

I love your flexibility -- I'd like to think I share that with you.

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