Full Moon

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

This evening I chased the moon, a fine, swollen creature.

Earlier in the day I read Kathryn Stockett's The Help, which I wanted to like so much more than I did. I am addicted to nuance and to language as a reader; that is all I will say. Later on in the day, reading the opening chapters of Mary Karr's Lit, I felt my readerly self settling in.

Then came the moon.


Julie P. said...

I have heard wonderful things about LIT. I hope you enjoy it!

Anonymous said...

I love the way you spoke of the moon here. This brings back my readerly self.

Beth F said...

I have wanted to read The Help for a long time. Must get to it.

MissKelly said...

I'm spoiled. I want to read things that are better than good. I find it difficult to read much fiction because as you said "I am addicted to nuance and to language as a reader;" You are one of the few writers whom I know will cause me to sigh on nearly every page: the way you put your words together.

Beth Kephart said...

Miss Kelly, your words are so kind. You join some really remarkable people here on this blog; I welcome you to it.

Em said...

December has a blue moon this year. I just love it when that happens.

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