Home Coming

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

I stood outside my own kitchen, looking in, for I'd just been on that journey with the moon. I'd promised myself a few things, come December. More time to cook (by which I mean, time with new recipes). More flowers bought on a whim (and not just because the guests are coming). More time spent with books I actually want to read. Fewer yeses to requests that I can increasingly not live up to.

It was cold outside and warm within. My house always welcomes me home.


bermudaonion said...

Sounds like some wonderful promises to make to yourself. I hope you have a great December.

Anonymous said...

I want a zygote cactus. The flowers are so beautiful! I got one for our new tenant and now I want one, too.

Julie P. said...

I think I'm going to take a few of your promises to yourself and try to incorporate them into my own life!

woman who roars said...

Dorothy said it best, "there's no place like home!"

Tara McClendon said...

Oh, I like the flower idea. Especially in winter when the day's colors turn to white and gray.

Beth F said...

I think we made the same list.

Woman in a Window said...

You peeper! Ha!

Good time, looking in on life, to evaluate and set loose goals. December looks like it will be fine.

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