
Wednesday, December 2, 2009

I said I wanted to read a good book, a very good book. I picked up Lit, by Mary Karr. I picked up Lit, and suddenly I wanted my son to have a copy, my students, my friends. In the middle of all my reading and wanting, my friend Kate Moses called, and I said, Lit. Lit. Lit., and she said, Did you get to the part about the wedding yet? and I said, I don't want this book to end. Sometimes I think I've fallen out of love with books. And then comes Lit, and I'm impassioned once again.


Julie P. said...

Yay! I'm so glad you liked this one. I'll have to add it to my must-read list!

Amy said...

okay wow. I actually have this in the TBR pile I'll have to get to it sooner rather than later!

MaureenHume said...

Tell us more!

Beth F said...

Thank you! I need a book like this.

bermudaonion said...

Wow, that's quite an endorsement. It's going on my wish list.

Sadako said...

I've heard really good things about Mary Karr, so you've inspired me to read Lit, too. Don't you love the feeling when you pick up a book and your reaction is, "I have to tell someone! Everyone!" Books really are the great connector.

Beth Kephart said...

I will say more, I will.



Majo Tinoco said...

I love Mary Karr's books. Just placed a hold on Lit - can't wait to read it. Thanks!

e said...

and that's exactly how i feel when i read your books :)

Beth Kephart said...

I wish to thank you all for these comments (and to welcome a few of the new or newer voices here; welcome.


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