A readergirlz Winner

Thursday, December 3, 2009

I felt a bit like an elf today, slipping through the halls of a local high school and delivering a copy of Nothing but Ghosts to Kiera Ingalls, the talented young writer who won the third readergirlz writing contest. I meant to stay for a short while, but my hosts—Katherine Barham and her class of aspiring writers—were dear and gracious, giving me room to talk about the extraordinary enterprise that is readergirlz and asking intelligent questions about the writer's life. Where do stories begin? How do titles erupt? Can books really build an audience through word of mouth? Why do so many embrace and celebrate books that don't appear to be immensely well written? These students had just, at Ms. Barham's prompting, written their own books and designed their own covers; they'd rounded up blurbs and crafted their bios. What, they seemed to be asking, is the future of books?

The future is you, I thought. And you. And you. It's Kiera, pictured here with the fabulous Ms. Barham, and with me, who felt so proud to meet her.


Lorie Ann Grover said...

So lovely, Beth. Thank you for all you touch with your generosity and beauty.

Little Willow said...

What a wonderful experience for all involved! Thank you, Beth. Thank you, Kiera, and congratulations. Thank you, Ms. Barham and her class.

bermudaonion said...

When you read about kids like that it really gives you hope for the future.

Anna Lefler said...

Congrats all around! What a lucky class to receive a visit from you!! You give so much of yourself, Beth. I truly admire that.



woman who roars said...

What an amazing day for all of you.

septembermom said...

How wonderful! Congratulations to Kiera!! What a treat for her class to get a visit from you :) The pictures are terrific. Beth, it is so admirable how you help young writers (and all of us) too!

Woman in a Window said...

As long as there is weight
and smell
and the ruffle of page to books,
they will live.
Very cool visit - both ways, I'm sure.

Hope you're well.

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