Lit: A Review

Friday, December 4, 2009

I've titled this post "Lit: A Review," but on this blog, I don't write reviews; I save that voice for the Chicago Tribune. Here I write about a book's impact, about where I was and how I felt when I read it.

I read Lit while lying on the slender black couch where I spend most sleepless nights. I read it pulled up under the blue blanket that snuffs the perpetual winter chill. I read it in three sittings and would have been happy with just one, but life (my life) got in the way. I heard voices in my head: This is an artist working. This is a woman resurrected. This is a mother who genuinely loves. This is a poet-teacher who, within the pages of Lit, is teaching us how a book like this gets made. There are so many extraordinarily fine sentences in Lit. There are fragments torn from Heather McHugh, Terrence Hayes, and Don DiLillo; words of advice from Tobias Wolf; stories about good-hearted addicts; revelations of a gorgeous sisterhood. There is a lot of soul searching, a lot of desperate need, no small share of triumph, and—this is, perhaps, the biggest thing—no accusatory fingers pointed. Mary Karr has lived one hell of a life. There would be blame enough to go around, but no one gets blamed in Lit, which is to say that no one emerges as caricature.

Last Monday, in Room 209 of the Kelly Writers House, J.—in endless pursuit of a deeper knowing—asked if I'd heard the Mary Karr interview, if I'd read any of the book's excerpts on-line. I said that when I got home that day, Lit would be waiting for me on the doorstep. J.—no romantic—actually sighed. "You're so lucky," he said, and J., I am. But we're all lucky, as a matter of fact, that books like these get written.


Julie P. said...

So going to read this one -- can't wait!

woman who roars said...

So even before reading the post, I thought it would shed light on a new favorite. What else could explain a "review" posted 24hrs after a reader started a book (there was notquestion that you would dedicate a post to a half finished book).
So hooray for the sensation of completion a good read gives and double hooray for the new rec. for my TBR (to be read) list.

Anonymous said...

Lovely--and the photo too.

Amy said...

so beautifully said.

Becca said...

"I write about a book's impace, about where I was and how I felt when I read it."

Bang. Spot on...that's what I want to hear about books :)

As for Lit - well, I hadn't even heard of it until your wrote about it, but now I can't wait to read it.

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