Snow Falling: A Christmas Eve Excerpt

Saturday, December 19, 2009

The promised snow is out there, falling, and I am feeling melancholy. This morning, before a long corporate-work weekend kicks in, I read the novel for adults through one last time. It is going, now, to Amy Rennert, my agent. Come the new year, we shall see what we shall see.

In the meantime, this from a final scene in the asylum. The year is 1955.

Someone had brought in a Collaro hi-fi and plugged it in with Christmas blues and we sat there, the crazy and the no inch short of sane, while Jimmy Butler sang “Trim your Tree” and Felix Gross sang “Love for Christmas,” and when Sugar Chile Robinson sang “Christmas Boogie,” Wolfie took up Virgin Mary’s hand in hers and a space was cleared on the table top and the two of them danced, Virgin Mary’s eyes a million miles away, but something close and near on her lips, something like a blessing, with Wolfie just laughing, Wolfie hollering a good time, and no more giggling, for that single minute, from Liesel, who wore holiday trim in the rolls of her hair and teeth in the pink of her gums. I kept Autumn near all dinner long. I suffered in my thinking about Baby.


Beth F said...

I'm left without words.

Hope you enjoy the snow with your family all safe and snug inside.

Maya Ganesan said...

How I wish it would snow here...but all we get is rain. :(

Ravenous Reader said...

I've just been catching up with you - I've been caught in one of those corporate explosions myself, and have been pounding away at my computer for too many days.

How lovely that your son is home safe and sound, that it's snowing just in the nick of time for Christmas, and that another wonderful book of yours is on its way to being born :)

pink dogwood said...

Looking forward to your new book. It has been snowing here in Maryland all day as well. When I went out to clean the driveway at 7pm, the snow was upto my knees - it hasn't snowed this much in ages.

Holly said...

no inch short of sane! I LOVE that.

6512 and growing said...


I randomly found your book, A Slant of Sun, at our local library (Durango, CO).

Your story and your writing is breathtaking. Thank you so much for telling your story. I will pass it along to friends.

Rachel @

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