Returning to Seville

Saturday, January 2, 2010

(on the page)

For many years I've been at work on a novel that takes place in Seville. Last April, finding myself one draft away from sharing the book with editors, I put it aside, again, to focus on other things.

But it's now the new year, and the book beckons—perhaps a dozen small scenes to work in. Printing it out, settling in, is like returning to an old and trusted friend.

Here, below, are the opening lines. But before I get too nested in Seville, I'm headed to the Big Apple today to see West Side Story, a gift from my brother who remembers my ice skating days and my final choreographed performance to "Somewhere," my favorite song from that brilliant show. I love "Somewhere" so much that I scened it into Undercover, my quasi-autobiographical novel about a Radnor High School poet who finds her voice (and one idea of beauty) when she learns to skate.

The streets of Seville are the size of sidewalks, and there are alleys that leak off from the street, and in the back of the cab, where I sit alone, I watch the past rushing by. I roll the smeary window down, stick out my arm. I run one finger against the crumble-down walls. Touch them for you: Hello, Seville.


Beth F said...

Wow. Lovely opening. Happy, happy new year to you and your family. I wish all the best for a fabulous year.

Julie P. said...

Sounds like a wonderful day! I just saw a sign for West Side Story on New Year's Eve show and told my husband how much I'd love to see that! Enjoy!

bermudaonion said...

It's interesting to read that Undercover is quasi-autobiographical. I hope you have a great time today!

e said...

seville! i have been there two years ago, you transported me back in time! i love spain.. can't wait to read that novel either.. you have to publish faster, beth. i can't wait that long!

have fun in new york today :) maybe i will meet you by accident (unlikely though).

Priya said...

I once watched a movie that took place in Seville... it was a really old one, though.

Hope you enjoy West Side Story! It sounds really good.

Maya Ganesan said...

I want to read that novel so badly now. That's such a vivid opening.

Karen Harrington said...

What a wonderful opening to your novel! So glad you shared that with us. :) Looking forward to hearing more about this book.

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