Second Semester

Monday, January 18, 2010

So you've driven through the rain and fog and a premature dark (dusk all day, you had thought to yourself) and in the end, all you have is one final meal with your son at a nearly-empty restaurant—not the restaurant you wanted to take him to, but, it's Sunday, Martin Luther King Day weekend, and nearly everything else is closed.

And you look at his face and you know you won't be seeing it again any time real soon, or soon enough, and you think: Pay attention. Take it in. Between now and the next time you see him, he will have changed, gained, questioned, lived in ways you can't imagine. In ways infinitely beyond you.


bermudaonion said...

I know just how you feel. I've been feeling melancholy lately because our son's college career is about to wind down, and it will be time for another new beginning for him soon.

Book Dragon said...

Scary when they leave. I'm lucky in that my oldest lived at home through college but she recently got married. Cherish your holidays or any time spent with them, while you can.

Unspoken said...

I know this lunch date with my son all too well!

septembermom said...

I need to pay attention to my kids more. It's so true that time marches on and so do they.

Kelly H-Y said...

Such an important time with him. Beautiful words.

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