What readergirlz sound like when readergirlz are talking

Thursday, January 7, 2010

We readergirlz girlz tore up the keyboards last night talking everything from writerly schedules (thank you, Little Willow, for offering to make me breakfast); TV shows ("So You Think You Can Dance" rocks supreme); the joint appearance by Erin McIntosh and Melissa Walker in the newest six-word memoir book (oh, baby); certain showcase dance number videos that will never be aired (thank you, Mercy, for keeping our secret our secret); the emergence of Priya as a readergirlz street girl; favorite bands (yes, mine is still and will always be Bruce Springsteen); landscape as character (thank you, Nicole, for the question); favorite editors, past and present; how I stink at the samba (just ask Jean Paulovich); whether I will every write fantasy (thank you, Maya and Hipwriter Mama for your faith in my abilities); whether I've watched "Glee" (I'm so sorry, Lorie Anne); and why Flow: The Life and Times of Philadelphia's Schuylkill River was perhaps the most challenging and most rewarding book that I've yet published, though 2010 and beyond is filled with books and potential books that were probably even harder. All along Dia Calhoun and Holly Cupala were tossing out not just literary questions but riotously funny—and unexpected—images.

Which is all to say that if you haven't participated in a readergirlz chat, you really ought to. They happen twice a month or so. They will keep you at the edge of your fingertips.


Little Willow said...

You are welcome, and thank YOU.

Would you like some 100% whole grain oats natural oatmeal today?

Erin said...

I am full of smiles, reading this. :)

Liviania said...

It sounds fun - I am always intimidated by large chats.

And you should watch Glee. It became more consistent towards the end of the season and had good character development despite the large cast. The storylines move extremely fast, but it works for the show. It's cheesy and silly, but it knows and revels in it. It's an afterschool special on crack with a wink. Not for everybody, but worth trying. (My grandparents like it! However, they could've lied to be nice to me.)

Lorie Ann Grover said...

Liviania, you crack me up! Yay for chats of awesome at rgz, Beth. It was a blast to host you. You were marvey for certain.

holly cupala said...

What fun to have you, Beth! I'm so sorry I had to leave early. xo

Melissa Walker said...

Ah! I love this roundup. May I copy your style and post this sort of thing in the future? xoxo

Maya Ganesan said...

Chatting with you is so much fun...you are a fascinating person to talk to, Beth. (Still hoping you will come to Seattle...?) :)

Priya said...

Thanks, Beth :) The chat last night was really fun.

Dia Calhoun said...

Thanks Beth, for a fabulous chat, and for being a fabulous rgz AIR.

Vivian Mahoney said...

You are much loved, Beth. Thank you for being part of readergirlz.

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