House of Dance: A Paperback Contest
Thursday, February 18, 2010
In a few short weeks, House of Dance, my second novel for young adults, will be out as a paperback with a slightly revamped cover.
Those of you who know me a little know this: I love the freedom that dance affords me—the freedom to be my somewhat zany self, the freedom from the mind-bend of at-the-desk problem solving, the freedom of movement. House of Dance, which received a number of starred reviews and has begun to show up on state lists, takes place in a version of Dancesport Academy of Ardmore, PA, where I continue to learn to dance with the likes of Scott Lazarov, Jean Paulovich, John Larson, Aideen O'Malley, Magda Piekarz, Tim Jones, Cristina Rodrighes, and Tirsa Rivas, and among so many friends. I made this "trailer" for the the book with footage that I shot at the studio and around town.
In any case, the point is: I'm having a paperback contest. Those of you interested in receiving a signed copy of the paperback should leave, in the comment box, your definition of what dance is. Two winners will be selected from among the participants, and the two winning definitions will be featured on my blog.
Please leave your comments by March 5th.
Dance is a physical expression of music, a chance for anyone who is willing to close their eyes and lose themselves in the moment, to let their bodies respond to the sounds that fill their ears. Unlike any other art form, it's a blending of heart and mind, body and soul. Dance can be freedom. But not everybody wants to be free.
Dance is feeling the rhythm suffuse itself throughout your body, become your pulse, and allowing your body to naturally follow that beat. It's letting yourself go to the moment, to the joy of life, to inhibitions and fears.
Dance is the body telling a story. It brings the song to life, as if your body is a host to the music.
I think that dance is a way to physically express emotions that can't always be expressed verbally; or sometimes its a way to tell a story that might not have the same effect by simply speaking it.
Dance is expressing yourself and your emotions. You tell a story.
In simplest terms dance is self expression. It is the self expression of the creator of the movement, the choreographer. It is also the self expression of the dancer. Trained or untrained it does not matter.
It is about expressing emotion through movement; whether to music or silence, in front of an audience or alone in your bedroom.
Dance is telling a story with your body in it's simplest form...perhaps only a feeling...but an expression nonetheless.
Dance is creating art and a way to express who you are.
Dance is the poetry of movement.
I know my answer isn't as long as others but I feel that is the best way to describe dance.
Terrific contest Beth.
Dance is a physical response to an irresistible stimulus, bringing internal and external rhythms together and forcing the body to move in time with them. As they sang in Hairspray, "You can't stop the beat."
Dance is losing your inhibitions and expressing how music physically moves you.
Dance is an acristic:
Dappaankuthu from Tamil; percussion; Bollywood.
Ardha from Arabia; Bedouin; war-dance.
Nutbush from Tennessee (City Limits!); line dance...
Coček from Serbia; belly dancing; gypsy brass!
Eisa from the Nansei Islands; memorial service - Ryūkyū musicians...
Take your pick!
Tanja Cilia
Dance is opening of your heart and mind to the bodily movement of the inspiration that grabs hold of you.
Dance is moving your body in new ways, pushing boundaries and changing perspectives. I love getting lost in my own movements- sometimes even caught off guard. Dance allows you to be who you want to be (especially when done in the privacy of your own room). It is awesome.
Dance is the body's way of celebrating freedom of mind and spirit.
Dance is when your body becomes a channel for which music can flow. When your veins run with the flow and rhythm. Your very movements are decided by the tempo, you get lost in the beat. Dance is like the changes of nature, for which each sound, your body, and the dance change in a never ending cycle. Dance is an expression of yourself,as you find your heart, and others somewhere on the smooth wood floors. To me, dance is an expression of emotion, but more importantly, Dance is the movement of life.
Dance is a chance to express yourself through music, it's an art - blah blah blah. The classic textbook answer is that and such. Not that it's wrong, but I believe you can't just define dance to be a mere meaning to be able to just move your feet and/or body to a rhythm (though that's highly necessary, in matters that you wouldn't want to just fling your arms about and smack someone).
For some people, dancing is their life. Others, it's a culture (perhaps to celebrate their succesful day of hunting).
Wrong thinking would be, such as verious belittling professionals: if you aren't willing to do your best, don't dance at all.
However that's not even remotely true. Just because you can't doesn't mean you shouldn't. If you want to say what you mean and you're not good with words, dance. Show others you mean something and that the beauty in what you see will be shown to the rest.
Plus, it's great exercise.
Dance is what you feel like doing when you are happy - so I could say that it is happiness in 3D :)
Dancing discards the shell; discovers the soul.
To dance is to let loose. Forget about the world and just flow with what's within.
From Hilary Hanes via Facebook:
"Dance expression of everything one feels. It can be fast or slow; it can be with someone or alone. It can be joyful or sorrowful. Dance doesn't have to be perfect, nor can anyone really define perfection. It doesn't have to be pretty, but it has to come from the heart. Someone dancing without an ounce of rhythm can be just as beautiful as someone dancing with technical perfection. It expresses what one feels inside, and should be shown with unabashed freedom. "
I have always thought dance was your own form of interpretating the music
Dance is sweeping the air into life, learning that you can move, that you can fly; that you have every right to live and put your inhibitions behind you.
Dance is the act of freeing your mind, body, and soul and just feeling the beat of the music as it moves through you, girating as if the whole world belongs to you and all your problems are wished away.
To me dance is many things. First off - it is a way to express your emotions, your passion and your energy in a purely physical way. Dance is also something where you can view someone's entire soul by the way they hold their hand or they way the spin. It's beauty and poetry with no formal training required.
Dance is letting go, remembering, or expressing yourself and your emotions. Dance simply is whatever you want it to be. It's anything, and everything.
dance isn't just moving along the music... is moving with the music, feeling it & expressing your own feelings to it.
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