Alane Salierno Mason and Words without Borders

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

I have often spoken of Alane Salierno Mason here on this blog—as my first editor (she edited three of my memoirs), as a friend, and as the editor of authors, mostly recently Brad Watson, whose books often feature on my blog. I'll soon be sharing with you another Alane Mason book, this one by debut author Jake Silverstein, but before I get to that, I'd love for you to watch this video, in which you'll see New Yorkers talking about recent books read or not read, as well as Alane herself, who is the founder of the extraordinary publishing phenomenon, Words without Borders. You'll learn about what people read, and about why Americans should be reading more in translation. You'll also get to peer inside a rather cool-looking Brooklyn deli.


Unknown said...

Sounds wonderful. Thanks for sharing!

Melissa Sarno said...

Thanks for sharing this. Sounds like an amazing resource. I'd like to read more books in translation. It's really rare for me (except I've read every Murakami book translated to English) I live a few blocks away from that deli

grete said...

Only 3 % - wow! But then English is a huge, huge language area - with a lot of diversity. Had Norwegian readers been offered only 3 % translated literature, we would have been a poor people, indeed....

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