Nearly Dawn

Friday, August 27, 2010

The sun has not yet risen on this day, but it will, and soon we will drive a rented van along familiar roads, toward that long goodbye.

I am ushered on my way this morning by the kindness of readers of Dangerous Neighbors, who put so much of themselves—their intelligence, their openness, their willingness to read an author who has, it is true, moved from genre to genre, from place to place, from time period to time period, seeking the perfect backdrop and mood for a story.  Thank you to:

Sandy Nawrot of You've GOTTA Read This! for this review.

The Book Smugglers, for seeking out 1876 Philadelphia and having this to say.


Sherry said...

I'll be thinking of you throughout the day. Blessings to you all.

Anonymous said...

I hope that the light sparkling in the photo fills your day.

Beth F said...

I absolutely love the light in this.

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