Tall Philadelphia and Life in the Thumb

Saturday, August 21, 2010

 In Dangerous Neighbors, Katherine is forever climbing towers and hills to get a better view of her city, something I am prone to do today.  I took this shot of my city from the Cira Centre bridge, just across the Schuylkill River, on the west side.  That's the new Comcast building, rising tallest in the center.  Far beyond, to the right, is William Penn balanced on the top of City Hall.  It wasn't all that long ago when no one dared build any higher than Penn's generous bronze hat.  As one who has loved this city all her life, I am astonished, always, by how rapidly things change and disappear.

One thing, however, does not change, and that is my gratitude to those who make the time for books, and then make even more time to articulate their reactions.  Today I thank Life in the Thumb, for her very kind and very wonderfully structured review of Dangerous Neighbors.  It means so much.


Bidisha said...

Wow, that's a very unique hobby. And I love that photo. It's gorgeous.

And will it be possible to get a review copy of Dangerous Neighbors for my blog?

Staci said...

Thanks so much for taking the time to visit my little blog and then to post about it on yours. I've been a huge fan since I read "A Slant of Sun," which I read in 2006. Your writing moves me....thank you for sharing your gift with the world!

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