Jan and Lana Dance the Jive (for real, ladies and gentlemen)

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

How often I can be found here on this blog, talking dance, yearning for it.  How many books of mine have taken a choreographic turn or stopped and lived at, say, the very House of Dance?  I've been blessed by teachers who sway me toward better—Scott Lazarov with his impeccable choreography, Jan Paulovich, who insists that I hear the music and is so artfully exact, John Larson, the King of Standard, Cristina Mueller and her Thursday wonders, Aideen O'Malley who does it all, John Vilardo, who worked me out of paralytic fear early on, and others, too.  Blessed is me.

I'm not terrific at dance, but I keep trying, and I console myself with the thought that the trying matters.  This coming Sunday I'll be trying again in a DanceSport Academy showcase—dancing the cha-cha with my husband and a waltz with Jan Paulovich.  I'm not exactly ready for either dance.  But the hours tick on, and Sunday comes.

Today, though, I share this video of Jan Paulovich and his partner, Lana Roosiparg, who dance so magnificently together.  This is what they do, these teachers, when they are free to be their ultimate dance selves.


Janice Kephart said...

Wow, you even get to dance with him, and keep up with THAT? Come on, that's incredible right there!

Beth Kephart said...

Ha! Not sure anyone would say that I keep up with that. But he teaches me a fraction of what he knows.... and I am grateful for that!

Sarah Laurence said...

Fine dancing. He must be a fun teacher. Good luck on Sunday!

Unknown said...

The best part is how happy they look even though it's a competition. Dance for me is all about fun and they really capture that.

Anna Lefler said...

What fun to watch!



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