Celebrating The Playgroup, a novella by Elizabeth Mosier

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Anyone who knows Elizabeth Mosier knows at least these things: 

She has a fine, discerning mind, an almost unearthly ability to read into a book just precisely what the author meant to place there, even if there's still fuzz around the work's edges.

She is an extraordinary teacher, beloved by her students, who remain her friends for years and years.

She is a very fine mother of two exquisite young ladies, and a thrower of parties that are forever fondly remembered.

She is there for you.  She is there for us.  She makes room in her life for others.

That is why those of us who are lucky to be Elizabeth's friends are so very excited for her that The Playgroup, a novella, is just now being released by the Gemma Open Door Foundation which, in the words of the North American Series Editor Brian Bouldry, "provides fresh stories, new ideas, and essential resources for young people and adults as they embrace the power of reading and the written word."

I had the great privilege of reading The Playgroup early on in its making. Its language sings and sizzles as it traces the thoughts and fears of a new mother now facing a troubled second pregnancy.  Elizabeth knows how women think and what they actually say; she knows the commerce of young motherhood and the landscape of Arizona.  I can't wait to read the book now in its final form, and I encourage all of you to seek it out.

Brava, Libby.


Jeffry W. Johnston said...

Way to go, Libby! Can't wait to read it!

Anonymous said...

I'd love to read it--I think novellas are a wonderful form.

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