Junior Library Guild and The Flyleaf Review: A banner GOING OVER day

Friday, February 28, 2014

Oh, I said, earlier today, in the shivery cold. Look! A package from Chronicle Books.

What is it? my husband asked.

Don't know, I said. And then, within minutes, I did—a beautiful note, indeed a gold-seal note, from Junior Library Guild, noting the selection of Going Over for this great honor.

I had no idea there was a gift beyond the gift of being selected. I was truly stunned.

And then, over at Twitterland, that gorgeous Heather R. of The Flyleaf Review started sending me sly little winks. What is that girl talking about, I wondered (while I was supposed to be doing my day job)? I clicked and took a look — and — well — wow.

What a review of Going Over that gracious woman wrote. What a review, and, Heather says, this is just a tease, in advance of the Going Over blog tour. A tease that includes one of the most incredible photographs I've ever seen of lovers at the Berlin Wall.

There's your Ada and your Stefan, Heather said. And yeah. Absolutely. That's them.

(Tears, actual tears, fell.)

Please go on over and check out the link. I don't want to summarize, I don't want to give you any excuse not to experience The Flyleaf Review—and those lovers—for yourself.

I'm so lucky out here.


Serena said...

So wonderful and well deserved!

Unknown said...

Beth! First, congratulations on the First, congratulations on the Junior Library Guild honor! Totally deserving:) and thank you for the shout and the links and just being YOU. I love that you cried over that photo-- I love that it spoke to you like it did me:) I'm so ready for April 1st and GOING OVER to be out in the world for everyone to see:) xo

Unknown said...

Sorry commenting from my mobile only works about 50% of the time;)

Anonymous said...

Wow! So well deserved!

Anonymous said...

Wow! So well deserved!

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