Insomnia: A Poem

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

At night I keep
watch over my own
heart grinding, hands
winged out like a sylph
to muffle the sound. You
wouldn’t die either,
unaware. You would
stand by affirming blue,
you would remember
the plummeting pink
of the sun that was
caught in the blur
of yesterday’s train,
the shroud of your face, too,
in the scratched glass,
and in the rocking.
Hands over heart,
heart crossing.


PJ Hoover said...

It's beautiful but...
you have insomnia? I'll send my kids right over.

Beth Kephart said...

Ha. Very funny. I take my insomnia on the rocks, thank you very much.

poetjanes said...

Lovely poem & photo, Beth. Have you tried deeping breathing and/or yoga? I've been amazed by the effects . . .

Beth Kephart said...

Jane, thank you. I don't do yoga but I have learned to breathe more deeply and it is that that has begun to keep the panic attacks at bay. Now when I don't sleep, I simply don't sleep. I get up and write instead.....

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