The Age I Am Becoming

Saturday, January 10, 2009

A short (just over a minute) story about a dance lesson, a life lesson, and another coming to terms.


Vivian Mahoney said...

It's funny because as I get wiser in years, I've come to terms that living fully means taking risks, taking chances at all life has to offer. Yes, some may see it as "making a fool of oneself," and I think we all have the blushes of "youth" behind us on things we've done or perhaps decided not to do, for fear of embarrassment or how others would see us.

Maybe it's when we finally accept ourselves, we appreciate the chances to make fools of ourselves. (which I did today in the most public way)

Anna Lefler said...

Beautiful, as always.

It's only been in the last couple of years that I've realized the value of regularly putting oneself in discomfort of some sort...pushing the boundaries...facing one's fears...making a fool of oneself...however you describe it. It gives us a chance to remake ourselves and our perception of ourselves again and again. It grows new muscles, sharpens the vision, limbers the mind and pushes out the horizon.

I believe that's the secret of staying young in spirit.

Lovely post, Beth.



Beth Kephart said...

Vivian, a beautiful note as always from you, and of course the embedded question: But what in the world did you do today? (Did it involve your car?)

Anna, You epitomize young at heart and in spirit. Your horizon is a fascinating place. I'm having a great time watching it morph.

Saints and Spinners said...

Thanks for posting this video! As you spoke, I thought of Lewis Carroll's "Lobster Quadrille" (which I've set to music), and how much I try to take my daily living lessons from that poem:

What matters it how far we go?" his scaly friend replied.
"There is another shore, you know, upon the other side.
The further off from England the nearer is to France --
Then turn not pale, beloved snail, but come and join the dance.

Beth Kephart said...

A quote from one of my brother's favorite books. And so perfect here. Thank you! And what a thought — you performing this to music.

Em said...

Thanks for this reminder, Beth. I'm often too afraid (and shy and nervous) to do things that I don't understand or that I'm not good at. It's fun to remember that making a fool of yourself can be a good thing. I'm going dancing tonight and I'll keep that in mind. :)

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