San Miguel de Allende, and the beginning of story

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

I found her in a marketplace at the edge of San Miguel and she has haunted me ever since—the way she dared me with her eyes (Go on, take my picture), the way the haphazard quality of those many cloths massed together as a somehow virgin art.

Yesterday, while trolling through one of my new favorite blogs, Aerial Armadillo, I found what I imagine is this character's younger self in a painting that is so classically Tessa's—bold, brilliantly hued, shapely, seductive.

So that now the younger and the older versions of this singular woman have begun caroming about in my head. A dialogue that could only lead to story.

NOTE FOR TODAY: For any of you who might live in sunny Orange County, I'll be on the beloved Barbara DeMarco-Barrett show, Writers on Writing (88.9, KUCI-FM,) at 9 AM California time today. I'll be talking about books read, books written, books loved. I'll share podcast information once I have it.


Tessa said...

Oh Beth! Oh, I am speechless. It is her, isn't it?

And yes, yes, yes - please write her story. Your staggering ability to create images from the written word is singular and you would, I know, make her story a lyrical and beautiful tribute to women everywhere.

Anonymous said...

This is a beautiful photo. Her eyes are indeed daring you.

Lenore Appelhans said...

How exciting to be on the show! I look forward to listening to the podcast.

Emily Ruth said...

Can't wait for the podcast! Have fun :)

I finished Undercover and absolutely loved it, Beth.


Especially all the poems :)

Sherry said...

You can knock the wind out of the writer, but you can't stop the stories. :) The photo and painting do inspire that wanting to know more.

I hope the radio spot went well.

Beth Kephart said...


We have to find her middle years, together.

Anna: Thank you. Oh, that dare!

Lenore, Emily Ruth (ty, Emily Ruth), and Sherry, I had a wonderful time with Barbara. Tomorrow or the next day I'll have a podcast to share.



Keri Mikulski said...

Beautiful. Thanks for sharing.

And have fun on the show! ;)

Holly said...

Her eyes do dare! I think expressive eyes are my favorite thing...

I'm always curious by travelers who take cool pictures of locals, whether they ask permission...I'm usually too inhibited to ask OR steal the picture. Did you?

Maya Ganesan said...

Oh, I love this picture. It's so powerful and intense. I second Tessa on this -- you must write her story.

septembermom said...

This story must be told! I'm sure you must be excited to see how it unfolds.

Enjoy your time on the show!

Sherrie Petersen said...

Your photos pull me in every time. I look forward to hearing the podcast!

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