You Are My Only. Today is the Day.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

I didn't actually sleep last night, and if this blog post is riddled with errors, forgive me.  I'm a little blind, a little dizzy, and a whole lot grateful.

You Are My Only makes its way into the world today.  It has, in so many of you, glorious handmaidens.  Super glorious. Thank you—again—does not suffice.  You have given this book life.

Today I want to thank the wise and talented Melissa of The Betty and Boo Chronicles for this breathtaking review, and for somehow locating and sharing one of my favorite passages in the book.  It was after I wrote this scene, Melissa, that I knew I had to keep writing this story.

I want to thank Caroline Leavitt, novelist and novelist advocate supreme, for giving me room to tell the story behind the book trailer (the thoughts that went into this underfunded gal's head) on her always outerdirected, fascinating blog, CarolineLeavittville. 

I want to thank Katie Halata for sending me the YALSA review of 15-year-old Riley Brannian, who is calling for a sequel.

I want to thank all of you who sent this book into an early second printing and contributed to the message I received when I went on the YAMO Amazon site this morning to make sure the book is actually available (though goodness knows I am extremely hopeful that this is but a very temporary (perhaps it will be rectified by dawn?) state of affairs).

Temporarily out of stock. 

And I want to thank all of you, again, for keeping the momentum building by blogging (thank you today, Anna Lefler!), Facebooking, Tweeting, talking, and both supporting and participating in the You Are My Only Treasure Hunt (and, in some cases, taking that Hunt to exponential places).  I had, as you know, written five guest posts about the making of this book.  Mundie Moms, My Friend Amy,  The Story Siren, Chick Loves Lit, and Bookalic.ious gave me room in their immaculate nests to share those posts, and many of you went off searching for them.  Those posts were made possible, to begin with, thanks to the outreach of the young women behind There's a Book and My Friend Amy, who provided enormous support of this book (and others!) from the very start. 

The posts themselves are here:

1.  The (furious) metamorphosis of Sophie
2.  Opening the Doors to Clois and Helen by Beth Kephart 
3.  When Emmy called I listened 
4.  I was obsessed with an asylum 
5.  What name should we give this book?

I had said that there would be two winners of this treasure hunt.  But today (is it the hour?  is it my half-blindness? is it that fingers are sticky when I reach into the hat?) I find that we have three.  Those winners (of a signed copy of YAMO and of my critique of 2,000 words in progress) are listed below.  Please send me an email about how I can reach you. 

Serena Agusto-Cox of Savvy Verse & Wit, an extraordinary Treasure Hunter if ever there was one.  (I think she found some of the posts before they were even up.)

Bonnie Jacobs of Bonnie's Books, who sent me her links at a very early hour.

Wendy of Caribou's Mom, who read the book itself early and whose blog I have followed ever since we both fell in love with The Elegance of the Hedgehog.

Oh.  Wait.  I forgot.  There's a fourth winner.  She's Vivian Lee Mahoney, who I met early on in this blogosphere, and who has been a dear and glorious friend. 

Oh.  And Florinda of 3rsblog— I know you have a signed copy of this book already.  But if you have something in progress that you would like me to critique....... (she winks)

Ladies:  Game on.

Thank you all—a million times over.


Bonnie Jacobs said...

Thanks, Beth! I'm looking for your email address now.

Serena said...

Thanks so much. I'll send you an email shortly. I appreciate your comments whatever they may be on my work in progress...when I decide which one to send you.

Kelly Simmons said...

Happy Dancing Publication Day!
And congrats to the winners -- you are in for a treat.

Becca said...

Ah, Happy Day, Beth. I'm glad I pre-ordered! I can't wait to get my hands on this one.

Jeannine Atkins said...

Happy publication day! May those orders keep dancing in! And yay for all the lucky winners!

The1stdaughter said...

Happy Book "Birthday"!!! I'm beyond excited right now! This is spectacular news and I'm so happy I was able to be even a little part of all of this. You deserve every bit of success. Happy Day Happy Day!

Florinda said...

Congrats and happy "birthday" to YAMO! I am almost finished reading that signed copy I already have, and will be posting my thoughts before the week is out.

I hope that critique offer remains open indefinitely, because someday I might have something for you to look at...but not now. Thank you SO much, Beth!

Cherie Reich said...

Happy publication day! And wow, out of stock already! Wonderful. :)

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! Happy day!

Nise' said...

Congratulations to you! It's a happy day for us readers as well. I need to go and pick my book up from my favorite independent bookstore. I would have been there when they opened, but an earache has me moving slowly today!

Julia said...

So excited to read this. Will it be @ B&N?

Mrs. Fry said...

Congratulations! I loved Flow and The Slant of Sun, and I am sure this one will be marvelous too!
It gives me something to look forward to now that the hummingbirds have flown South (I guess) for the winter!

Beth Kephart said...

I wish I were a mathematician and knew numbers bigger than a zillion.

But. A zillion thanks.

Anonymous said...

And mine just arrived!

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