You Are My Only is heading to Germany (and Beth is smiling)

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Not long ago, I posted the Nichts als Liebe cover of Nothing But Ghosts, which will be released in Germany this summer by editor Julia Malik and a division of the esteemed independent publishing house, dtv-Reihe Hanser.  (A fact that thrills me.)

Today I happily share the news that You Are My Only has been bought by the very same house and will be released within the next two years.

I am ecstatic.  This is not just a terrific house, but this is a country to which I am stealing every early morning in my imagination as I write my novel about Berlin.  It is a country to which I hope to return this summer.

Thank you, dtv-Reihe Hanser, Jenny Meyer Literary Agency, and Amy Rennert.  This is such good and welcome news.  Rights to You Are My Only have now been sold in both Germany and Brazil.


Wendy said...

yay, yay, yay *does a little happy dance for you!*

Serena said...

Exciting news! WOOHOO! Congrats and I hope you get to return to Germany over the summer...I'm sure that will fuel your writing all the more.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! I'm smiling with you!

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