My husband's art (2)

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Lana and Tirsa

You know how it is when you wait and wait and wait to share a (good) secret?  That's how I always feel when I'm waiting to showcase my husband's art on my humble blog. I was able to release this image not long ago.  Today I can share more.

This work is months in the making.  It all began with a photo shoot at DanceSport Academy and features our talented, beautiful friends—Jan, Lana, Scott, Tirsa—whom Bill photographed against a green background.  Everything else in these images—the furniture, the hats, the mannequins, the cloth, that pair of legs—was fashioned with a variety of 3D software tools, about which I know nothing.

I just know that I'm amazed, all the time, by what Bill does.

Click on the image to see it in bright detail. 


Serena said...

I really like the last one in this series....very passionate.

Melissa said...

His work is spectacular!

KFP said...

Totally particularly struck with first one, "Jan."

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